Storckensohn Oil Mill
Nearest train station :
3 km - Husseren-Wesserling
Opening hours :
Les 1ers et 3èmes dimanches d'avril à novembre de 14h à 17h30 (sauf dimanche de Pâques) / en juillet et août tous les jours de 14h à 17h30 (sauf lundi et mardi).Groupes : sur RDV toute l'année.

Useful informations
Type of site
Artisan workshop
Technical and industrial heritage
Folk art and traditions
Type of visit
Guided tour for individuals
Guided tour for groups
Guided tour for groups with reservation
By bus
Groups accepted
Indoor activity
Means of payment

At the foot of Bussang Hill, the village of Storckensohn has a an oil mill dating from 1732. The mill was in service until 1960. Walnut, colza and sunflowers were brought here in large quantities to draw off fine, flavour-filled oils. Apples and pears were used to produced fresh, fruity juice. The wheel, worn out, then fell into disuse and stopped turning. During the nineties, a team from the village decided to take action in order to bring it back to life. In 1991, therefore, the mill again produced walnut and hazelnut oils and apple juice, using the same movement of the wheel, which had been restored as new but in all points identical to the former wheel. The mill stone and presses are activated by a paddle wheel driven by the hydraulic force of the Runtzback flowing down from Gazon Vert. The mill again became a site full of life and a place to welcome both families and groups looking for authentic activities and unforgettable tastes. The association’s volunteers offer you a trip back in time in a period setting, through stories and explanations told with passionate interest by the local miller and dynamic participative demonstrations of how to produce walnut oil and apple juice.